Places Finder

Places Finder: Your key to companies and service providers! Easily find contact details, opening hours, addresses and more. Increase the quality of your address data and improve your logistics processes. Address quality is essential in logistics, and Places Finder takes it to a new level!


  • Efficient search: Find companies and service providers effortlessly and quickly.
  • Comprehensive information: Access to contact details, opening hours, addresses and other relevant information.
  • Improve address quality: Improve the quality of your address data to ensure precise and smooth logistics processes.
  • Optimized logistics: Better address quality improves the efficiency and accuracy of your logistics, resulting in cost savings.
  • Indispensable for logistics: In logistics, the quality of addresses is crucial, and Places Finder helps to optimize this important element.

Integrate the services of addHelix into your existing architecture!

What sets us apart is our impressive availability and many years of expertise in the logistics industry. We know what is important and our APIs are the result of this deep understanding.